Sitemap - 2023 - Course Builder's Corner 🧩
"Good job" is not good enough: How to give meaningful praise
The surgical reading strategy: How to get more out of books (by reading less)
How to create a Winning Course idea for your tiny course
How to develop tiny skills-based workshops to test market ideas
How the question burst method gives us hope in the face of hard problems
Running out of content ideas? How to discover new topics with the TOC method
The Intermediate Packet Focus: A way to avoid spinning your wheels and get more done
How to make your course irresistible (with the result-oriented approach)
The error that makes your course take 10x longer to produce and the elegant solution
How to create engaging content as a beginner (without faking it 'till you make it)
Why the results-focus leads to tiny but valuable courses
30 Days Unlimited Email Coaching
Why focusing on tasks can lower productivity (and what to focus on instead)
Why the daily learning model super-charges cohort-based courses
The One Thing You Must Do BEFORE Creating An Online Course (And It's Not Market Research)
Four ways I'm recovering from extreme exhaustion
How to double the value of a course with the reverse easter egg strategy
Why the motivating problem increases sales (and how the expert's diagnosis gets in the way)
How to create winning course ideas (and avoid building a dud)
How to keep your best ideas from being forgotten with branded frameworks
How to break perfectionism with the versioning mindset
The 1/3 formula: How to ensure your workshop gives results and not just information
Three steps to creating curiosity at the start of a course
Why problem stories capture reader attention (and how to create them)
Four unique lessons learned from creating my online storytelling workshop
3 Simple (But Effective) Pieces Of Advice I’d Give Anyone Starting in Online Course Building
I'll be speaking at the Second Brain Summit tomorrow
The six mistakes I made in building the Atomic Course Blueprint in public
How To Sell Your Unique Program (Even If No One Has Ever Asked For Anything Like It)
The Problem Formula: How To Capture Interest At The Start Of A Course
BIP Day 43 - Final Update (and how to get the special offer)
BIP Day 42 - Putting the offer page into Gumroad
BIP Day 41 - The Top Part of the Offer Page
BIP Day 40 - Cover image for the course
BIP Day 39 - The Top of the Sales Page (And Your Advice Requested)
BIP day 38 - Creating the Sequence Graphics
BIP Day 37 - Offer page graphics
BIP Day 35 - Incorporating Feedback
The Three Steps To Uncovering Your Customer's Strongest Buying Trigger
BIP Day 32 - Exporting the course to Pages
BIP Day 31 Update: Edits + Images and captions
BIP Day 30 Update - Editing the storytelling bonus
BIP Day 29: Why a story file can save hours of frustration when creating content
BIP Day 28 - Three ways to get and keep attention (just an update)
BIP Day 27 - Writing the introductory stories for the bonus
BIP Day 26: Nearly finished Part 3
BIP Day 24: Five Steps To Creating A Well-Loved Online Course
BIP Day 23: Outlined the storytelling bonus
How to unsubscribe from the daily updates and still keep the weekly newsletter
BIP Day 22: Tiny update on the bonus
BIP Day 21: Why the Russian doll concept will help you build your next creative project
BIP Day 20: One Habit That Gives Digital Writers Endless Profitable Ideas For Online Courses
BIP Day 19: Why even well-made courses fail (and how to reverse this trend)
BIP Day 18: Find the strongest reason customers will buy your course in three steps
BIP Day 16: Adding Hooks To Each Section Of The Course
BIP Day 15: The Simplest Way To Overcome Doubts (So You Can Build Your Online Business)
BIP Day 14: The number hook: How to create intense curiosity using a single fact or figure
BIP Day 13: I finished the core of the course
BIP Day 12: Three steps to creating curiosity at the start of a course
BIP Day 11: The three questions that determine whether your course will succeed or fail
BIP Day 7: Double Your Course Creation Speed With These Three Simple-To-Use Strategies
BIP Day 6 - How To Double Your Writing Speed With The Magic Bullet Method
Three Overlooked Elements That Keep Your Course From Failing
Three Questions That Consistently Break The Overwhelm Of Creating A Course
How To Map Out Your Course Using The 3-Part Solution
The One Thing You Must Do BEFORE Creating An Online Course (And It's Not Market Research)
Three Ways I'll Build My Next Course In Public (Yes, Even During Ship 30 For 30)
5 Small (But Easily Fixable) Mistakes Most People Make When Creating Their First Courses