BIP Day 7: Double Your Course Creation Speed With These Three Simple-To-Use Strategies
Strategy 2 is something most people ignore
Writing a course can be excruciating.
But it doesn't have to be. Most people try to create a course from the top of their outline to the bottom. But there's an easier way. I show you three methods I use to make course creation both faster and easier.
1) Create a three-level outline
Level 1: A simple list of three topics you'll cover.
Level 2: A series of questions about each topic such as "What is the concept?" "Why is it important" "How do you use it?"
Level 3: Answer the questions with bullet points.
2) Write the easy parts of the outline
I reviewed the outline for my next course and I noticed I could answer the what, why how questions in my sleep such as "What is the top-level outline?" and "Why is the top-level outline so valuable?" So I started there.
3) Prep the hard parts
We can't put off the hard parts forever. So I prepare for them in advance. As I scan my outline there's one part that I know is hard from experience. Writing the examples. How will I make this easier? I'll assemble the examples ahead of time.
That's it. Just these three strategies can speed up course creation. 1) Create three-level outline. 2) Start with the easy stuff. 3) Prep to make the hard parts easier.
What did I get done on my course-building journey today? Screenshots below.