Thanks for opening another weekday update as I build my next course in public.
Today's newsletter contains two items.
Build in public update Day 32
A poll on the name for the course
Build in public update Day 32
Today I exported the course from Google Docs to MS Word, then converted it from Word to Pages for the Mac.
Why do all this?
I can create a beautiful looking document in Pages.
Pages gives me the ability to create nicer layouts and most importantly, much better use of images.
I've tried adding images with captions to Google Docs before and it's a real mess. The images get pushed around as you edit the document. And the lack of image features leaves the images looking flat too.
And finally, there's no good way to add captions either.
But Google Docs has two advantages that had me use it all these years.
First, I'll never lose a Google document as the document is constantly backed up in the cloud.
Every change I make is automatically saved. And even if my computer were dropped in acid, each word would exist on Google's servers.
Second, Google keeps a history of every change I've made to a document.
If I decide an earlier version of a document contained something I'd like to get back, I can go into the history and find it.
However, with Pages I can get both of these advantages too.
I can have a Pages document saved to Apple's iCloud service automatically. Pages also saves a history of your file as well that's even nicer than Google Doc's history feature.
So this will be the last time I compose a course in Google Docs.
Tomorrow, I'll fix up anything that got messed up as I converted my course to Pages. I'll then add the captions to the images.
I'm nearly done.
Thanks for reading today's update. I'll be back tomorrow.
Poll On Course Titles
I'm rethinking the name for the course. I really liked the idea of calling tiny courses atomic but I always get questions about what that means.
So I started saying "atom-sized" and that helped but still I got the question, how big is an atom-sized course?
My answer has been the course will take no more than an hour for a customer to go through.
And that got me thinking, why not call them One-Hour Courses?
So what do you think? Please answer the poll and leave a comment.
The poll is on Twitter too. Click here to see it. With 24 votes cast, one title is clearly winning.