The One Thing You Must Do BEFORE Creating An Online Course (And It's Not Market Research)
Welcome to this week's edition of Course Builder’s Corner.
I have 2 things to share with you in this issue.
I. Article: The One Thing You Must Do BEFORE Creating An Online Course (And It's Not Market Research)
II. Two ways I can help you
Let's get started
I. The One Thing You Must Do BEFORE Creating An Online Course (And It's Not Market Research)
Figuring out the purpose of your course is the most important decision you'll make.
The purpose guides each step you take and avoids confusion for you and whoever takes your course. That's why the last dozen courses I created all started with a purpose statement.
So how do you create your own? Follow these three steps.
1. Choose one purpose for the course
Just one. Don't use the word "and". Choose just one objective.
2. Define the purpose in terms of the participant's actions - use a verb
It needs to be an action you can verify. Draw. Write. List. Describe. Actions you can see.
3. Use the Purpose Template
By the end of this course the participants will be able to [fill in the blank].
Yes, it's formulaic but it works.
"By the end of this atomic essay, readers will write a clear purpose statement for their course."
I'm building a course on atom-sized courses. The purpose statement I came up with is:
"By the end of the Atomic Courses Blueprint, participants will be able to create one hour of content that teaches a single topic in no more than three steps."
Notice it fits the formula.
One goal
Has a verb
Fills the template
This ensures your course has a focus on clear results.
II. Two ways I can help you
The Atomic Course Blueprint - Want to create a course without the usual overwhelm? Try creating a tiny course. Find out more here.
iPARA: How to organize your digital life for action- Is digital disorganization keeping you from reaching your goals? What if just four folders could let you not just stay organized but actually get things done. See for yourself here.
That’s it for this week. I’ll see you next week with another issue.