BIP Day 15: The Simplest Way To Overcome Doubts (So You Can Build Your Online Business)
There are two parts to today’s newsletter:
Article: The Simplest Way To Overcome Doubts (So You Can Build Your Online Business)
The Day 15 update on building my course
The Simplest Way To Overcome Doubts (So You Can Build Your Online Business)
Everyone who aspires to build an online business struggles with doubt.
Will what I create really help someone?
Will anyone want to buy what I have to offer?
Personally, I have for years.
The first time I tried to create a course, I just couldn't do it.
The doubts were too much.
But what changed for me was being told "You have to teach this group what you've learned." So I did.
Seeing the participants make progress over several sessions gave me confidence that what I was doing made a difference.
What I realized is you don't overcome doubt with more thinking.
You only overcome doubt with action.
Since then when I've been unsure, I've figured out some actions I can take to help me know what works and what doesn't.
It's a waste of time trying to figure it all out in advance.
Action is our best teacher.
Day 15 Update
Today I realized that I’d forgotten to add the drama at the start of each section of the course.
These are short paragraphs that inspire interest and curiosity at the beginning of each lesson. I usually use a problem, a statistic or a story. I'll describe how I create these elements in the bonus that comes with the premium version of the Atomic Courses Blueprint.
I wrote 2 out of 4 of them today.
I’ll finish them up on Monday. Then begin creating creating the bonus on Tuesday.
See you next week.