The 1/3 formula: How to ensure your workshop gives results and not just information
And an update on my latest build in public project
Welcome to this Thursday’s edition of Course Builder’s Corner.
I have 2 things to share with you this week.
I. Update on my current build in public project.
II. [Article] The 1/3 formula: How to ensure your workshop gives results and not just information
I. Update on my current build in public project
Since Monday, I've been building my next thing in public - a free email course on how to build tiny courses. I'm posting updates daily on Twitter.
You can see all the updates on this link:
The biggest lesson so far:
Building in public on Twitter gets a similar number of views as I got from posting updates on my newsletter but I've gotten much more feedback than I got from my newsletter subscribers.
Below are the newsletter views for the first four days of my last build in public project. (I'm counting Day 0 as one day)
Day 0: 264 views
Day 1: 370 views
Day 2: 243 views
Day 3: 229 views
And here are the views for my first four days of building in public on Twitter.
Day 0: 718 views (announcement tweet)
Day 1: 265 views
Day 2: 236 views
Day 3: 82 views as of 06:51 PM PT, Wednesday
But I've gotten 14 replies to my build in public tweets.
So posting on Twitter is a very good way to get feedback on your ideas.
Next week, I'll share more of what I learn.
II. The 1/3 formula: How to ensure your workshop gives results and not just information
Workshop leaders teach too much.
This gives participants the joy of collecting great information (yay!) but with only the intention of applying it (booh!). In 7 years of leading online workshops, I learned how to reverse this trend with the 1/3 formula. It gets participants to apply what you teach.
Here's how to use it:
Present frameworks for 1/3 of the time
Present your framework, why it's important and show how to use it. This gives participants the information they need but to keep that knowledge from being tucked away in their hard drive, we need to give them further steps such as ...
Guide group practice for 1/3
People don't understand something until they've had a chance to use it. But instead of throwing them into the deep end of solo practice, we'll next have them work on an example together and discuss. Working through ideas as group lowers the fear barrier while building skill. Then they are ready for you to ...
Inspire individual practice for 1/3
Now you have participants practice during the workshop. They feel more ready because the previous steps have prepared them to apply your frameworks. You often get participants who are chomping at the bit to get started. Their confidence plus your teaching propels them to new levels of performance.
One caveat: You'll have to teach far less information using this formula BUT your testimonials will be on another level. Application is greater than information.
Thanks for reading and …
Before you go, you may want to check out any of the following:
The Atomic Course Blueprint- Want to create a course without the usual overwhelm? Try creating a tiny course. Find out more here.
iPARA: How to organize your digital life for action- Is digital disorganization keeping you from reaching your goals? What if just four folders could let you not just stay organized but actually get things done. See for yourself here.
That’s it for this week. I’ll see you next Thursday with another issue.
Oooo, I like this Rodney! Less information ---> More application 👍