Three reasons why coaches and consultants become overwhelmed with course creation
It’s the last month of summer, and temperatures have been soaring.
My family and I attended San Diego Comic-Con in July. Some highlights were seeing the cast of Doctor Who and hearing Kevin Smith tell fun stories about his life and career.
We look forward to attending next year, too.
In today’s issue of Course Builder’s Corner, we will discuss three reasons people get overwhelmed by course creation and how to overcome them.
Let’s get started.
Three reasons why coaches and consultants become overwhelmed with course creation
Course creation is overwhelming for most people, especially coaches and consultants.
This overwhelm comes from common errors that can be corrected once identified.
Here are three that commonly get in the way.
The topic model. You focus on teaching a topic instead of teaching to a result. Topics lead to infinite subtopics, which makes it's hard to know when to stop. But helping a client reach a goal means there's a meaningful endpoint that helps you know when enough is enough.
The uniqueness error. This mistake doubles your burden. When you teach you have to figure out how to get the information out of your head, AND then figure out how to present that information so others can understand. You have to discover the structure each time you teach. Fortunately, there are reliable teaching structures that take this second burden away.
The more is better fallacy. Trying to put all the information you have into one course on the mistaken assumption that more info = more value. Value is tied to the results the client can get from your course, not how much information it took to get them across the finish line.
By avoiding these mistakes, you can have a smoother journey to creating a course that will help your clients reach their goals
When you're ready, read my article on creating Winning Course Ideas. It will help you generate profitable ideas for your first (or next) course.