The Best Way To Get Started Learning About Online Course Building
Three resources that will make you an expert in no time
I love learning about online course building.
Unfortunately, when I first got interested in course building, I had a hard time figuring out where to start.
So, if you are trying to learn more about building online courses, here’s the best way to get started:
Read This Book: “Instructional Design That Soars” by Guila Muir. She shows you a clear step-by-step process to designing live training — yet her approach works well for creating online courses too.
Watch This YouTube Video: “Badass Making Users Awesome” by Kathy Sierra is a must-watch resource for anyone interested in ensuring their participants feel successful in every part of their learning process.
Listen To This Podcast: And if you really want to start going down the rabbit hole, listen to “Kathy Sierra Story: The Unlikely Bestseller (And Why It Sold 2 Million Copies)” by podcaster Sean D’Souza. You’ll discover why the “Page Vaporiser Moment” accelerates your customer’s learning.
These 3 resources will exponentially accelerate your learning process.