Day 4 - Adding The Right Way Examples
A way to ensure your customers can apply what they've learned from you
Today is Day 4 of building my course on organizing your digital life.
We are now on Step 4: Adding the Right Way Examples. (If you’ve missed Days 1 through 3, you can see them here.)
Examples ensure that your customers fully understand what you’ve explained to them. You told them what you want them to know, you’ve explained why it’s important, now you’ll show them how it’s done.
Below I show how I added examples to the outline. I listed the word "Example" and under that put bullet points for each example I plan to include in the course.
The word "Example" is in bold so you can easily find it in the outline.
This entire process of adding examples took about 15 minutes.
Why add examples to the outline? You could easily wait until you’re writing your course to come up with examples. However, when you’re in the weeds, it's tiring to come up with them. It's much easier to do so when you are fresh and still looking at your course from a high-level.
Plus, after you add them to the outline, your mind is sensitized to noticing even more examples you may come across in your work. Some of these you may also want to include in your course.
OK. That's it for today's build-in-public example.
Let me know if anything is unclear by leaving a comment.
Until tomorrow,
The outline is below.
Part 1: Setup iPARA
Defining each element
What are the elements of iPARA?
Why are the elements organized as they are?
How do you sort stuff into each box?
show 10 items on a desktop, then explain where each goes and a reason why
Video demonstrating the sorting of items from a desktop into PARA folders
Part 2: Using PARA daily
Adding stuff to the Inbox
Why add stuff to the inbox and not just find the right place for it immediately?
How do you add stuff to your inboxes?
When do you add stuff to your inboxes?
Found a web page with some cool info for a project you may do someday,
read an article about potty training (parent of a 9-month old),
found a great quote in a book you read and you typed it up in a note
Saw a gift idea for your Christmas that's month's away
Producing projects
What do I mean by "producing projects?"
Why is it important to produce a project?
How do you use project folders to help you produce projects?
Fully Alive Program,
five training courses I do every year,
PARA course
Part 3: Maintaining PARA
Weekly Review
What is the weekly review?
Why is it essential?
How do you conduct it?
Example: Video demo
Monthly Review
What is the monthly review?
Why is it so important?
How do you conduct the monthly review?
Example: Video demo
I’m just pushing to catch up with your sprint. It’s quite challenging. I’m really liking this because you make what seemed impossible to me actually turn into something quite doable. Have you ever thought of becoming a master social tech trainer for stuck elders? I know a lot of us could use your help.
Onward to Day 5. What exciting new insights will I discover!