Day 3 - The What, Why, How Framework
Adding the questions that guide course creation
Today is Day 3 in my build-in-public project for my course on organizing your digital life.
I'm applying my Atomic Course Blueprint to help me do so. You can see the specific framework I'm using on this Twitter thread:
I focused on Step 3: The What, Why, How Framework.
That means for each element in the outline, I asked the following three questions:
What is "What is the concept?"
Why is "Why is this concept important?"
How is "How do I use the concept?"
And here is the resulting outline:
Part 1: Setup iPARA
Defining each element
What are the elements of PARA?
Why are the elements organized as they are?
How do you sort stuff into each box?
Part 2: Using PARA daily
Adding stuff to the Inbox
Why add stuff to the inbox and not just find the right place for it immediately?
How do you add stuff to your inboxes?
When do you add stuff to your inboxes?
Producing projects
What do I mean by "producing projects?"
Why is it important to produce a project?
How do you use project folders to help you produce projects?
Part 3: Maintaining PARA
Weekly Review
What is the weekly review?
Why is it essential?
How do you conduct it?
Monthly Review
What is the monthly review?
Why is it so important?
How do you conduct the monthly review?
This outline took about 10 minutes or so.
Let me know if you have any questions about this part of course planning.
Until then,
P.S. Tomorrow, I'll add sections for Step 4, The Right Way Examples.
P.P.S. Want to create a course without the usual overwhelm? Try creating a tiny course. Find out more here.
Gosh, thinking this way helped me to get the what, the why and the how done in less than 10 minutes. This really, really works. Thank you, Rodney, for your generous sharing.