Day 2 of building my next course in public
Discover the purpose and define the three parts
We are now at Day 2. In this day, I tackled Step #1 and Step #2 from my Atomic Course Blueprint.
The steps are:
#1 Begin With The End In Mind
#2 The Three-Part Solution
#3 The What, Why, How Framework
#4 Right Way Examples
#5 Common Errors
#6 Incremental Exercises
You can see all the steps (I called them Methods) in more detail on this Twitter thread here:
Here's what I did as I worked through Step 1 and Step 2
Step #1 is to Begin With The End In Mind
That means considering the purpose of my course on organizing your digital life.
Here's the purpose statement I came up with:
The purpose of this online course is to make it easier to keep all of your projects straight by learning the PARA system for organizing digital information. That way you can relax knowing there's a place for everything, and everything in its place.
With an initial purpose statement down, it's time to move to the next method.
Step #2 is the three-part solution
This involves listing a ton of ideas I could teach, then putting them into clumps, and finally choosing just three clumps to teach.
Those clumps become the three parts of the course.
After following that process, I was left with the following three topics with subtopics underneath
Part 1: Setup PARA
Defining each element
Sorting stuff into each box
Part 2: Using PARA daily
Adding stuff
Producing projects
Part 3: Maintaining PARA
Weekly Review
Monthly Review
As I consider this outline, I start to wonder if this will be too big for an atomic course. I've gotten a lot of positive feedback after giving different people videos showing them how to setup PARA on their particular software.
The initial setup of PARA is itself quite a victory.
When I get to writing out Part one a bit later, I'll re-evaluate whether or not the other elements will be needed.
Thank you for reading.
Do you have any questions about what I laid out above? If so, please email me back or leave a comment.
Tomorrow, I will do a more detailed outline of the course using the What, Why, How Framework, Right Way Examples and Common Errors.
See you then.
I just finished doing the work for Day Two. I've always had trouble laying out my coursework both in developing the subject line and in making it accessible. It always got really confusing both for me and the reader. Following the first two steps as Rodney laid them out made it really easy to develop a flow. Thank you so much, Rodney, for sharing your process.