Day 15 - It's easy to shoot too much video when you are having fun (and thank you for reading)
Also, let's also celebrate the halfway mark
Before I give you today’s update, I just want to take a moment to celebrate.
We’re on Day 15 of a 30-day challenge. So we’re halfway there. And by reading each day, you’ve helped us get here. So thank you.
Whatever project you’re working on, I urge you to celebrate milestones. It’s fun and keeps you motivated. And every time I do, a few of you pop out of the woodwork to encourage me which helps a lot.
Thanks in advance for the encouragement I know is coming 😉
So without further ado, below is today’s update.
Today I outlined and shot a video demo for Part 3 of my course.
The video demonstrated how I sort my files at the end of my week, keeping my PARA system clean and well-functioning. It's 27 minutes long which is far too long to demonstrate the process. I also realize that the first step is not needed. So I'll probably remove it.
The main value of the video is hearing how I make decisions about where something should go.
I end up creating new folders.
I rename items to make them more discoverable later.
I delete things that are not needed.
And you hear me explain why I made each choice as I go along.
I would share a link to the raw, unedited video but it has some confidential information that I'll need to blur out before I can show it to you.
Tomorrow, I'll either edit that video or shoot a new one using what I learned today.
Thanks for reading.
P.S. Want to know what ground we've covered so far and how much more there is to do? I’ve included the steps below.
Below are the steps we've done so far
Decided on the general topic of the course
Decided on a smaller subtopic
Listed three parts of the course
Outlined all three parts down to bulleted points in three stages
Written a draft of Part 1
Made a video demo for Part 1
Written a draft of Part 2
Written half of Part 3
Made a video demo for Part 3
What's left to do
Make a video demo of a notes app for Part 1
Edit or reshoot Part 3 video
Write 2nd half of Part 3
Make video demo for 2nd half of Part 3
Write drama for Parts 1, 2 and 3
Write introduction
Write conclusion
Write short offer page for Gumroad
Create graphics for Gumroad offer page
Let everyone know they can buy 🙏🏽