Day 14 - How I simplified a complex topic with the rule of three process
Cutting down a topic is much easier with this one concept
Today was a day of throwing valuable ideas onto the cutting room floor.
First, Part 2 of my course originally had two sections. I've cut the one covering my system for moving projects forward. That would go beyond the promise of this course and requires a separate course of its own.
Second, in Part 3, I originally planned to share my entire checklist for maintaining PARA each week. But there was a problem.
That checklist involves more skills than I want to cover in this course.
For example ...
How to handle email
How to use a task manager
Each of these topics can cover an entire course.
When you have too much to teach, what can you do?
The solution: follow the rule of three. Break your subject into three elements. That forces you to focus on just the essentials.
The three elements I decided upon are:
Review your filters
Open a task list
Check your inboxes
That's enough to maintain your system using just the skills a customer would have learned so far.
I wrote up a lesson on this. It will require a video demonstration which I will make tomorrow.
I'll then make a lesson on the monthly review too as it's also essential to maintaining your system.
I've included what I wrote today below.
Thanks for reading,
P.S. How did I figure out which three elements to include? I used the technique of the ancient Greek philosophers. I took a walk. While on the walk, I naturally thought about the issue, I recorded my thoughts in an app called In those notes were the answer.