BIP Day 18: Find the strongest reason customers will buy your course in three steps
There are three items in today's newsletter.
Article - Find the strongest reason customers will buy your course in three steps
A question for you - me practicing what I preach
Progress update on the Atomic Courses Blueprint
1. Find the strongest reason customers will buy your course in three steps
Since 2010, I've helped sell over $2 million in online courses.
In that time, I've discovered there are three steps to finding the trigger that will make your customer want to buy.
Here are the steps:
Step 1: Create a selling point hypothesis
List the problems your course solves. Then decide on one as the main selling point, for now. But don't get attached to it. You could be way off. The other steps will help you refine it or find a better angle.
Step 2: Collect live customer feedback
Share your idea verbally with one or two people in your target audience. Then listen. But don't forget to ...
Step 3: Interpret the easy-to-miss signals
Objections (but what about?) = I agree with the premise but I anticipate a problem. This is gold. They'll buy if you can solve the objection.
Contradiction (That's not my problem, my problem is ...) = I'm helping you figure out what your selling point should be.
Excitement (When can I buy it?) = Duh, you're on track.
2. My question for you
Does the notion of creating an atom-sized course interest you? If so, why? If not, why not?
If you want to speak to me live about this, reply to this email and we'll set up a time.
3. Progress Update
Today I wrote the introduction to Part 1 of the Atomic Courses Blueprint. Next, there's clean-up to the document as well as finishing up the piece about storytelling.
The finish line is near.
Thanks for reading this far. You're a champ.
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